Organised camping with wildlife as the central focus are the objectives of the campsites on Orenaes.

Three natural campsites may upon specific agreement be established on Orenaes.
All campsites are next to the sea and with exquisite possibilities for the outdoor life.
Upon specific agreement campsites may be established on Orenaes in Vaalse Vesterskov, Resle Skov and Orenaes.
1. Vaalse Vesterskov is in area the biggest forest and contains the smallest campsite (map). Bordering the sea and next to the cove a meadow of approximately 5 hectares will allow up to 1.000 guests to camp.
2. Resle skov the most remote forest has an unique natural campsite facing south bordering and overlooking the belt of Guldborgsund (map). Part medow part arable land of about 10 hectares allowing up to 2.000 guests to enjoy the beauty of the protected Danish coastline.
3. Orenaes itself by far the biggest area (map), offering nearby 100 hectares of arable land locked in between two isolated forest bordering the shallow waters of Vaalse bay. Enough room for more than 20.000 guests to visit and get acquainted with the optimal location for any major event.
The campsites are all wilderness camps with no stationary utilities, all necessary elements depending on size and wishes are to be discussed ahead of time. It is our belief that a natural campsite shall be as raw and unpolished as possible, hence the establishment of the campsite and the tearing down is a natural part of the campers activities.
Utilities such as electricity, water, and sewage, will after thorough consulting with authorities, campers and Orenaes be organised well ahead of the event.
Fire control, first aid, communications, firewood, wooden pools, building material, parking, disabled, visitors, foodstuff handling, storage, garage and mechanics, reception, stages, road and path access, day and overnight camping on the islands, fishing, animals and pets, local activities, churches, etc. are all to be discussed well ahead of time in order to find the optimal solution for our guests.
Detailed information:
Please email us here