Orenaes – an oasis for wildlife, a quiet estate in the Southern part of Denmark

Orenaes Estate is situated in Nr. Alslev community, a part of Storstroems county. It composes of 5 individual forest covered peninsulas bordering the sound of Storstroemmen (‘The great Stream’).
Oreneas Estate has due to it’s highly valued coastline, it’s islands and sustainable forest management both by European and by National government, been registered as an area for Ramsar, EU-bird protection and EU-habitat.
In all of Orenaes forests you will find Viking graveyards and old hollow trees. A walk in the forest or next to the sea will always result in a new encounter every time; a solitaire seal on a rock, the terns diving into the sallow water, the badger sniffing through the forest floor looking for scavenges.
The Islands of Skaanholm, Dyrefod and Suderoe part of the estate, are unspoiled reserves for commerant, eider and swans.
We ask that the islands are not visited in the breeding season (April 1st – August 15th) in order to avoid abandoned eggs and chicks; go to the small village of Gåbense instead, here you will find a tiny and charming town where you can take a dip or watch the sailboats going in and out of the small harbour. Do you prefer to see more of the estates wonderful coastline, then drive to some of the woodlands to the west, take a stroll on the beach or rest in the grass on the sea meadows; that for sure will not disturb the wildlife.
Are you more inclined to go saltwater fishing then the garfish is running intensely during 1-2 weeks in the month of April/May or wait with patience for the big seatrout next to the reef.
On occasion during fall the forest will be closed for the day, as hunters will harvest the fruits of the forest in the way of pheasants and woodcocks; rest apiece go to one of the other woodlands or come back the next day.